We seek collaborations that intertwine the desire to promote the welfare of others and our brand values. Hands of Grace is a volunteer group in Van Zandt County whose mission is to serve the community with Ashley roots being in that community her goal is to give back in all the ways that she can. Her deepest desire is that God would use their individual gifts to bless and serve others through a handful of community events a year. Ashley being on the board of Hands of Grace-Ashley gives back by donating her 10,000 square foot warehouse during the holidays to be able to provide a space for Hands of Grace to host a community gift wrapping drive, card making station, sock and blanket drives to give to those in need! Filling the local drive by pantry with dinners and snacks for families in need, as well as giving Christmas gifts to our local nursing home. Aside from Hands of Grace, Ashley and her husband Dalton supplied over 35 kids with Christmas presents so every child was able to have the wonderful spirit of Christmas.